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Stories of Proverbs ( 2)
Stories of Proverbs (new Arabic Story)
Our Price: $11.99

Quantity in Stock:2

Product Code: SANABIL-NH110

Stories of Popular Proverbs - 2 / قصة مثل
Product Description
This is the second volume of the very popular Arabic book (Stories of Proverbs). An absolute must have for any Arabic library, whether at home or at school. This is one of those Arabic books that is loved by children and adults alike.

The very talented and award-winning
Intilaq Mohamad Ali illustrates this book beautifully, using warms colors and vivid images that are superb works of art. This Arabic chapter book tells the story behind popular Arabic proverbs and sayings. The book introduces popular Arabic folk tales in a warm and engaging way, that is also funny and entertaining. A great addition to you Arabic library, and a book that one can read over and over. Both you and your little ones will enjoy listening to these stories.

We are happy that this Arabic book is now available on our online Arabic bookstore.

Ages 7 to 70
Size: 26.5 cm x 14 cm
32 pages
قصة مثل 2

 بعد الجزء الأول من كتاب قصة مثل صدر الجزء الثاني نحاول فيه استعادة قصص أمثال شعبية منها: "عنزة ولو طارت"، و"رأس الذئب علمني" و"أبصر من زرقاء اليمامة" و"النصيحة بجمل" و "حط بالخرج" و "الحرامي على رأسه ريشة" وغيرها من الأمثال المختارة والمتداولة بين الناس.