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The Blue Bike
Arabic kids book
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Product Code: SANABIL-NH119


The Blue Bike

Product Description

This is a well-written and fun Arabic story. A good page-turner, this Arabic chapter book is a good read for any age. In this Arabic story, a young boy is having trouble riding his new blue bike, so he promises his cousin to give it to him as a birthday present. But with some practice, the young boy starts enjoying his new blue bike. What will he do now with the promise that he made, and how is he going to save the day ?

This Arabic book is a great addition to your Arabic library. The text is well-written and the story line is engaging. The sentences are crisp and clear.
The text is written with full diacritic symbols (“tashkeel aw Ta7reek”), which is ideal for those who are learning to read Arabic.

يواجه بطل القصّة مشكلة في‮ ‬ركوب دراجته الزرقاء الجديدة،‮ ‬التي‮ ‬تسير على دولابين،‮ ‬ويقرّر إهداءها إلى ابن عمّه كريم،‮ ‬وبعد ذلك‮ ‬يندم على وعده،‮ ‬ويرغب الاحتفاظ بها عندما‮ ‬يصبح بارعاً‮ ‬في‮ ‬ركوبها‮. ‬وتحدث المفاجأة أن عمّه‮ ‬يُنقذ الموقف‮.‬

Ages 6 - 12

Size: 22 cm x 22 cm